If you are in Russia or Belarus please do not try to buy.

Free download - an unregistered version is fully functional but embeds red Xs on all maps so try before you buy!
Registration is £15 (British pounds - about $24) by payment at Paypal. If you do not have a Paypal account you can use Visa or Mastercard. Registration is valid for current and future versions, both 32bit and 64bit.

You will receive a personal registration key by Email valid for any computer you use. You will also be entitled to Email support and free upgrades. I will endeavour to fix any problems but my liability is limited to the purchase price only.

In most cases you will receive the key immediately; if you have not received a key after 24 hours please send a reminder email. If the supplied name is not in Latin characters (e.g Cyrillic names) then the immediate key will fail but a correct one will be sent by Email. Please use this Buy button as that will give you an immediate response.

The registration code is sent as a reply to your payment Email  - please make sure that it will not be blocked by Spam filters.

John Thorn, Lorien, Cardiff CF3 5FX, UK