MAPC2MAPC Help pages : Converting ESRI Cache
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Users of ARCGIS have the ability to store map tiles - including their own overlays - in a map cache

This Utility function of MAPC2MAPC takes the ESRI cache and converts it to Mobile Atlas (Slippy Map) tiles.
The ESRI cache conatins a conf.xml file that describes the cache and then maps in several layers keyed by layer number(L), y-tile coordinate(R) and x-tile coordinate(C). Although the cache contains map tiles that look like 'slippy map' tiles the projection and scales are, potentially, different and the numbering is hexadecimal, not decimal.
This function decodes the conf.xml file and then converts the cache to a z/x/y.png store of tiles based on a spherical Mercator projection. The zoom levels of the cache are converted to the nearest zoom level based on map scale.
If several caches are converted using the same output folders then tile content is merged.

The program may ask for a Datum name to be matched (depending on what is used and how it is spelt in the conf.xml).

The output tiles can be used as input to Mobile Atlas Creator and converted to a variety of formats.

Select Utilities>Convert ESRI Cache to Mobile Atlas. Select the conf.xml file for the cache and a folder for the output folders. The program displays progress bars but each layer will take, roughly, four times longer than the preceeding layer.

Note that this function is enabled by a separately charged licence. Email for details.